Pravna sudbina digitalnog ugovora o radu u Srbiji
Da li je elektronska forma ugovora o radu punovažna?
U velikom broju evropskih zemalja, naročito u toku pandemije virusa COVID-19 elektronski dokumenti, naročito iz radnog prava, postaju uobičajena praksa. Međutim, u Republici Srbiji se i dalje insistira na papirnom obliku ugovora o radu.
Prvi relevantan propis u ovoj oblasti jeste Zakon o elektronskom dokumentu, elektronskoj identifikaciji i uslugama od poverenja u elektronskom poslovanju ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 94/2017 i 52/2021) koji propisuje da se elektronskom dokumentu ne može osporiti punovažnost, dokazna snaga, kao ni pisana forma, samo zato što se nalazi u elektronskom obliku, te samim tim navedeni zakon vrši izjednačavanje elektronskog i „papirnog“ dokumenta koji je potpisan svojeručno.
Sa druge strane, Zakon o radu ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 24/2005, 61/2005, 54/2009, 32/2013, 75/2014, 13/2017 - odluka US, 113/2017 i 95/2018, “Zakon”) propisuje da se isti zaključuje u pisanom obliku.
Zakonom su predviđeni sledeću uslovi za zaključenje ugovora o radu:
- Ugovor o radu zaključuju zaposleni i poslodavac. - Ugovor o radu smatra se zaključenim kad ga potpišu zaposleni i poslodavac. - Ugovor o radu zaključuje se u najmanje tri primerka od kojih se jedan obavezno predaje zaposlenom, a dva zadržava poslodavac. - Ugovor o radu u ime i za račun poslodavca zaključuje nadležni organ kod poslodavca, odnosno lice utvrđeno zakonom ili opštim aktom poslodavca ili lice koje oni ovlaste.
Imajući u vidu odredbe Zakona i mišljenja Ministarstva za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja, kojim se propisuje obavezna pisana forma zaključivanja ugovora o radu, smatramo da ugovor o radu koji je zaključen u elektronskoj formi, odnosno ako je isti potpisan elektronskim potpisom, ne može biti punovažan, odnosno isti neće proizvoditi pravna dejstva.
Dakle, ukoliko poslodavac i zaposleni ipak zaključe ugovor o radu u elektronskoj formi, postaju izloženi brojnim rizicima koji proističu iz činjenice da on nije punovažan, te da se na osnovu tako zaključenog ugovora ne može zasnovati radni odnos. |
Legal status of Digital Employment Contract in Serbia
In many European countries, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, electronic documents, especially in labor law, are becoming common practice. However, the Republic of Serbia continues to insist on the paper form of employment contracts.
The first relevant regulation in this area is the Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Business ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 94/2017 and 52/2021) which stipulates that the validity of an electronic document cannot be challenged, probative force, as well as written form, only because it is in electronic form, and thus the said law equates electronic and "paper" document signed in his own hand.
On the other hand, the Labour Law ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 24/2005, 61/2005, 54/2009, 32/2013, 75/2014, 13/2017 - US decision, 113/2017 and 95 / 2018, the “Law”) prescribes that it must be concluded in writing.
The Law stipulates the following conditions for concluding an employment contract:
- The employment contract is concluded by the employee and the employer. - An employment contract is considered concluded when it is signed by the employee and the employer. - The employment contract is concluded in at least three copies, one of which must be handed over to the employee, and two retained by the employer. - The employment contract in the name and on behalf of the employer is concluded by the competent body of the employer, ie the person determined by law or the general act of the employer or the person authorized by them.
Having in mind the provisions of the Law and the opinion of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, which prescribes the mandatory written form of concluding an employment contract, we believe that an employment contract concluded in electronic form, i.e. if it is signed electronically, cannot be valid, i.e. it will not produce legal effects.
Therefore, if the employer and the employee conclude an employment contract in electronic form, they become exposed to numerous risks arising from the fact that it is not valid, and that an employment relationship cannot be established on the basis of such a contract. |
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Autor: Milica Bugarić, saradnik u AK STATT